Number of projects listed: 336

Project name EU fund Implementation period Categories Export to Excel
EU support for supply of equipment to Agency for identification documents, regis ters and data exchange (IDDEEA) - Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) - High Availab ility (HA) Appliance with integrated sign server 149 250 € 2020 - 2024
  • Digital
EU support for supply of equipment to Agency for identification documents, regis ters and data exchange (IDDEEA) ¿ Big data appliance, servers and other equipmen t 716 145 € 2020 - 2024
  • Digital
EU support for supply of equipment to Agency for identification documents, regis ters and data exchange (IDDEEA) ¿ Embossing press for license plates and hot sta mping machine 289 000 € 2020 - 2024
  • Digital
EU support for supply of equipment to Agency for identification documents, regis ters and data exchange (IDDEEA) ¿ Network equipment 341 900 € 2020 - 2024
  • Digital
EU support for supply of equipment to Agency for identification documents, regis ters and data exchange (IDDEEA) ¿ Notebooks, desktop computers and printers 332 213 € 2020 - 2024
  • Digital
EU support for supply of equipment to IDDEEA - LOT 2 Video surveillance and access control system 182 056 € 2020 - 2024
  • Digital
EU Support for the introdiction of electronic signature and issuance of qualifie d digital certificate in Bosnia and Herzegovina 265 000 € 2019 - 2024
  •  Digital
  •  Gender
  •  Climate action
  •  Civil society
EU support in Development and installation of software (SW) for e-Legislation in the Parliaments of Bosnia and Herzegovina 750 000 € 2020 - 2024
  • Digital
EU Support in Process of electronic identification and trust services (eIDAS) ce rtification in Bosnia and Herzegovina 19 850 € 2021 - 2024
  •  Climate action
  •  Digital
EU Support in provision of diagnostic material and equipment for strengthening a nimal health control in Bosnia and Herzegovina - Lot 5 15 962 € 2021 - 2024
  •  Civil society
  •  Gender
  •  Climate action
  •  Digital
EU Support in provision of ear tags for small ruminants for strengthening animal health control in Bosnia and Herzegovina 130 504 € 2021 - 2024
  •  Civil society
  •  Gender
  •  Climate action
  •  Digital
EU Support in provision of ICT equipment for improving Veterinary, Food safety a nd Phytosanitary capacities in Bosnia and Herzegovina - Lot 1 699 905 € 2021 - 2024
  •  Civil society
  •  Gender
  •  Climate action
  •  Digital
EU Support in provision of vaccines against brucellosis - Lot No 2 138 618 € 2022 - 2024
  •  Civil society
  •  Gender
  •  Climate action
  •  Digital
EU Support in provision of vaccines against brucellosis for strengthening animal health control in Bosnia and Herzegovina 126 840 € 2021 - 2024
  •  Civil society
  •  Gender
  •  Climate action
  •  Digital
EU Support in provision of vehicles for control and monitoring services of Veter inary, Food safety and Phytosanitary sectors in Bosnia and Herzegovina - Lot 2 467 039 € 2021 - 2024
  •  Civil society
  •  Gender
  •  Climate action
  •  Digital