Support to development of an effective internal control and audit environment in Indirect Taxation Authority of BiH

Project details
Sectors Democracy and governance
EU Acquis Chapters Taxation, Customs union, Financial control
EU funds 203 836 €
Implementation period 2019 - 2024
  •  Gender ;
  •  Climate action ;
  •  Digital ;
  •  Civil society

(Mouse hover to see significance)

The project will strengthen the capacities and skills of the Internal Audit Department. Based on the International Standards for professional practice of Internal Audit and best European practice it will help the organization accomplish its objectives. That will be done through a systematic, disciplined approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of risk management, control, and governance processes, in order to enhance and protect organizational value (by providing objective assurance, advice and insight). FB page: Interna revizija u javnom sektoru – Internal audit in the Public Sector.
Implementation of this project will result in: - The Internal Audit Department strengthened the Financial Management and Control system of the organisation by audit planning based principally on management priorities and by reporting relationships on administrative infrastructure and professional practices, processes and procedures. - Processing of information needed to manage, conduct, and control the business processes and account for its performance and results, - Identification and communication of sufficient and relevant information to enable people to perform their assigned responsibilities, - Development and management of relevant information systems and financial and non-financial performance information. - Definition of project work – distinction to normal line work - Project organisation (team, roles, responsibilities etc.) - Project environment and stakeholders (analyse of potential risks and conflicts – link to Conflict Management) - Project controlling, monitoring and auditing - Project Management tools and IT support - Transparency in terms of public accessibility to information decreases risks for abuse of functions, illicit management, and limits unfair competitions, clientage and systemic corruption. - Establishing and compling with the rules of conduct and professional ethics of (members of organization) in performing their duties, - Reflecting the full backdrop of policies, processes, and practices that enables the IA activity to be performed effectively and with proficiency and due professional care; - Including the development and use of innovation and evolving frameworks/policies and their application to internal audit programs and operations, - Capacity of the IA activity to align itself with the organization’s priorities and risk management strategies and contribute to continuous improvement of the IA activity and the organization. - Development and maintenance of a quality assurance and improvement program that covers all aspects of the IA activity. - External assessment of an internal audit activity conducted at least once every five years by a qualified, independent assessor or assessment team from outside the organization. The objective of the external assessment is to evaluate an internal audit activity’s conformance with the Standards and Code of Ethics. External assessments may also focus on identifying opportunities to enhance internal audit processes, offer suggestions to improve the effectiveness of the internal audit activity, promote ideas to enhance the activity’s image and credibility, and offer operational or strategic comments - Increased knowledge of the Internal Audit Department of the Indirect Tax Authority Bosnia and Herzegovina, their new skills and methodologies will facilitate their work and increase the quality of their output. - The work of the Internal Audit Department will add value to the organisation by providing objective assurance, advice, and insight to accomplish its objectives and improve the effectiveness of risk management, control, and governance processes. - The workshops on project management, risk management, performance management, change management and conflict management will improve the working processes, support the knowledge management and the individual human resource development. - The prevention of corruption and fraud aims to a better understanding within the organisation about the destructive impact corruption and fraud have on the organisation, the society and the economic development. - The External Quality Assessment performed by international experts with the focus on opportunities for continuous improvement will make the Internal Audit Department a role model for IA development in BIH.

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  • Partially funded project on multiple levels/locations:
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