The project resulted in formation of a sustainable research station where young people can explore the area's biodiversity and at the same time establish long-lasting cross-border co-operation.
The project established an association “Eko Centar Čajniče” in December 2010 as first environmental non-governmental organisation in Cajnice. This NGO was included in the Entity-level and local community programmes and was registered in the Register of Youth Organisation. A protocol on co-operation was signed between the Eko Centar Cajnice and the association established in Serbia Eko Centar Aljinovici.
Positive feedback from the local community can be seen from the increasing number of young people interested in becoming members of Eko centres. By the end of the project duration this NGO had 36 members, young people who went through trainings and conducted research which resulted in the guidelines for future activities of the association.
The new skills were gained and applied during a 10-day Eco Camp Cajnice training, in the summer of 2011, which gathered 32 young people from primary and secondary schools. The Camp was organised in the premises which were adapted and equipped through the project.