Special Measures to Support the Response to the Refugee and Migrant Situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Project details
Sectors Rule of Law and fundamental rights
EU Acquis Chapters Justice, freedom and security
EU funds 7 217 168 €
Implementation period 2018 - 2025
  •  Civil society;
  •  Digital ;
  •  Gender ;
  •  Climate action

(Mouse hover to see significance)

The overall objective of the project is to support Bosnia and Herzegovina in managing migration flows in the context of increased number of refugees, asylum-seekers and migrants entering the country since the end of 2017. The action will be subject to a Delegation Agreement between the European Union (EU) and the International Organization for Migration (IOM). UNHCR and UNICEF will Grant Beneficiaries and implement specific activities under selected outputs, directly as well as through their partners. Through this action, IOM, UNHCR and UNICEF will work to ensure the basic needs and human rights of Persons of Concern (PoC), including migrants, asylum seekers and refugees, with special attention for persons with specific vulnerabilities and needs, such as children. The action will build on previous and ongoing efforts of the government and international and local organizations. The action focusses primarily on providing for the basic food and accommodation needs of PoC, including access to water sanitation and hygiene, through the winterization and operation of four reception centres in Una-Sana and Sarajevo Canton, with a combined capacity of 2,700 persons, with capacity to accommodate up-to 400 families with children.
Implementation of this project will result in: - Adequate and sufficient nutrient-rich, age and culturally sensitive food is provided in all temporary reception centres - Complementary food and nutrition, baby food and infant formula provided in all temporary reception centres hosting babies and infants. - Shelter and WASH in frastructure, and furniture are in place in Sarajevo and Una-Sana Canton. - Camp Coordination and management capacities, including registration of PoC, are scaled up. - Identified vulnerable refugees/migrants, including accompanied and UASC and victims of SGBV, have access to protection-sensitive accommodation. - Cultural and age sensitive Non-Food Items are provided to PoC in need. - PoC in vulnerable situations are identified and referred to appropriate assistance and protection services. - PoC, including UASCs, have access to asylum, including information, counselling and legal assistance in their own language. - PoC have access to psychosocial support and other age and gender appropriate services. - PoC are supported to access primary and secondary health care. - PoC children are supported to attend primary and secondary education. - The Border Police and the Service for Foreigners’ have the human and technical capacity detect, identify, register and refer PoC entering the co untry in an irregular manner. - Local initiatives to promote social cohesion among PoC and host communities are provided with support.

Government level color legend

  • Fully funded project on only one level/location:
  • Partially funded project on multiple levels/locations: