The Project seeks to improve institutional infrastructure and capacities of protected areas, ecotourism business and social welfare of local communities.
Specific problems to be addressed by the Project include: slow promulgation process, small size and outdated management of nature protected areas; low volume, quality and performance, poor marketing and low promotion of eco tourism in protected areas (less effective use of natural welfare together with uncontrolled tourism development); small degree of involvement of NGOs in the related activities.
By improving the productivity and the competitiveness of the area’s environmental resources, the Project will stimulate regular interaction between the environmental NGOs across the cross-border region. It will also stimulate contacts between reserve managers, governmental agencies, local communities and private businesses via: exchange of know-how; selected small investments in ecotourism infrastructure, as well as possible establishment of ecotourism cross-border clusters.
It will stimulate local economic development by supporting the development and improvement of ecotourism products & services; integration of cultural heritage and environment into tourism products and joint marketing of these products. Furthermore, the Project will contribute to increasing the knowledge of people working in ecotourism and agriculture and the use of ICT tools for developing and marketing ecotourism and eco-products.
This action will also support awareness raising activities on environmental issues and joint actions to ensure that existing and future protected area are managed so that they can sustain the pressures of tourism development without losing their value.
The overall objective of the action is:
- To foster the role of the Civil Society Organisations in integrated management planning and eco tourism development in nature protected areas within the programme area (BiH-Serbia) as a tool for local and regional sustainable economies development
Specific objectives of the action are:
- To create an Action plan for strengthening the role of environmental NGOs in development of protected areas and sustainable tourism within the programme/border area, in line with relevant strategic documents of Serbia and B&H, related to environmental protection and tourism development.
- To implement integrated natural resources management and eco tourism development practices in 2 pilot areas in line with relevant international conventions and treaties .
- To create a network of protected areas and NGOs involved in eco tourism development and nature protection in programme/border area with the purpose of exchanging experience and implementing the Action plan and securing sustainabilty and follow up of the actions.