EU support in Development and installation of software (SW) for e-Legislation in the Parliaments of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Project details
Sectors Democracy and governance
EU Acquis Chapters Institutions
EU funds 750 000 €
Implementation period 2020 - 2024
  •  Digital

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Parliaments are one of the main pillars of democratic societies, and thus play a key role in the promotion and enhancement of democracy and democratic values. From an institutional point of view, Parliaments enact laws, debate and establish political priorities, allocate resources, represent different constituencies and political parties and oversee the executive branch of government. Indeed, Parliaments are one of the principal forums for discussing public policy and promoting consensus building. The implementation of this project, as a collaboration platform within parliaments, is an opportunity to implement an advanced business solution in line with recent technology investments. The goal is to consolidate the service and to minimize the cost of ownership and support, while delivering to the МРѕ and other Parliament officials the expected functionalities, collaborative solutions and document management. The "Nextsense eParliament (eLegislation)" product can achieve a complete transformation of the work of the Parliaments and can to raise the Parliamentary processes and operations to а new and advanced level. This product covers the entire legislation process within the Parliaments, including law initiation, preparation and holding of committee meetings and plenary sittings, parliamentary questions, amendments, work of the Standing Bureau, work of the МРѕ and other Parliamentary officials etc. It can be used by all workers within the Parliament, including the President of the Parliament, Secretary General, МРѕ and other Parliamentary officials. The solution together with ECM system transforms the whole parliamentary legislation process from paper to paperless process, thus providing high level of efficiency, cost-efficiency, mobility, transparency and responsibility. It also has a capacity to bring the legislative procedure closer to citizens, by providing access to the laws and other public documents.
Implementation of this project will result in: - Improved Parliament effectiveness in meeting the needs of its citizens - Increased transparency in the operation and option to provide accessibility of the decisions to the public - Provided cost-effective solution aimed at providing maximum value for tax payer’s money - Saved time and finances in Parliament operations by eliminating inefficient practices and processes - Increased efficiency of the members of the Parliament in time of preparation and holding of the plenary and working body sessions - Shortened learning curve for Parliament officials (process driven) - Saved money by eliminating paper in the process of preparation and execution of plenary and working body sessions - Simple and flexible communication Parliament-Government - Measured efficiency of the work - Great savings - decrease of the costs for preparation and holding of sessions - Warrants the process execution as to comply with the Rules of Procedures of the Parliament - Improved quality of services and communication - Active participation for every user from anywhere and at anytime - Improved performance by reducing time needed in legislative process - More remote mobile solution for the Members - Reduced process complexity - Installation and configuration of eLegislation software (eParliament system) in all 4 Parliaments in BiH (Parliamentary Assembly of BiH House of representatives and House of People, Parliament of Federation of BiH House of representatives and House of People, National Assembly of Republika Srpska and Assembly of Brčko District) - Installation and configuration of ECM software in all 4 Parliaments - Fully functional e-Parliament system implemented, configured according to the Rules of Procedure and put into use in Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina House of representatives and House of People together with ECM Software implemented according to the Parliament needs. - Fully functional e-Parliament system implemented, configured according to the Rules of Procedure and put into use in Parliament of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina House of representatives and House of People together with ECM Software implemented according to the Parliament needs.

Government level color legend

  • Fully funded project on only one level/location:
  • Partially funded project on multiple levels/locations:
Project is implemented at state level in: