Provision of and Automatic Licence Plate Recognition System at the BiH Border Po sts

Project details
Sectors Rule of Law and fundamental rights
EU Acquis Chapters Justice, freedom and security
EU funds 744 291 €
Implementation period 2019 - 2024
  •  Digital ;
  •  Civil society;
  •  Gender ;
  •  Climate action

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Implementation of this project will provide automatic licence plate recognition, improvement and upgrade of the Border checks application and integration of Business Intelligence (BI) solution for advanced reporting. Border checks application should be modernized in all technological aspects: - assuring high availability of application part, - eliminate SPOF in all segments where it is technically possible, - optimize current reporting system and provide advanced reporting system based on BI solution, - improve logging system, - integrate MIND system (backup option for FIND system; web service regarding documents check), - eliminate bottlenecks/incompleteness in the current system and upgrade it with new registers, - provide new functionalities, - keeping the current interface of the Application and its entire modularity, in order to add a new fields The project consists of several segments including: - Installation of ALPR infrastructure on 42 border crossings - Improvement and upgrade of the border crossing application (including ALPR functionality) - BI solution for new advanced reporting system.
Implementation of this project will result in: - Automatic Licence Plate Recognition, - Improvement and upgrade of the Border checks application and integration of Business Intelligence (BI) solution for advanced reporting (including installation on international crossing points in all lines for motorcycles, motor vehicles, trucks and buses) with ALPR system which provides automatic recognition of license plate numbers of a vehicle, - Integration of ALPR system with current vehicle records (internal and external) with check of the status, - Upgrade of the current Application (in segments where is needed) and reporting improvement. - Control and record of motor vehicles’ crossings with relevant data on crossing (such as photo of the vehicle, a string of alphanumeric characters that describes a vehicle - type, brand, producer, green card/international insurance policy, chassis number, engine number, registration expiring date, trailer registration plate number and etc.). - All recorded data saved in the current database for the purpose of future analyses. - Software upgrade of the Application, - Modernization of the system for reporting, - System logging (where needed), achieving high availability at application level as well as improvement of complete system performances and elimination of the current system errors/bottlenecks, - with this project BiH gets closer to the European integration, with improved internal and external security awareness, as well as prevention and detection of illegal migration, cross-border and other crimes, through automatic control and record of vehicles upon crossing of Bosnia and Herzegovina State border.

Government level color legend

  • Fully funded project on only one level/location:
  • Partially funded project on multiple levels/locations:
Project is implemented at state level in: