Integrating the European standards of the freedom of expression and decreasing p ressure on journalists in BiH via transparency of media ownership and criteria-b ased budgetary financing

Project details
Sectors Democracy and governance, Rule of Law and fundamental rights
EU Acquis Chapters Justice, freedom and security
EU funds 224 204 €
Implementation period 2016 - 2024
  •  Climate action ;
  •  Digital ;
  •  Civil society;
  •  Gender

(Mouse hover to see significance)

The overall objective of the project is to protect the freedom of expressi on and right to a free access to information, protection against violence and pr essure, especially pressure on political and finance reason. The specific objectives of the project are: - To protect freedom of expression, and prevent p ressure against journalist and media by fighting media clientelism and corruptio n in public financing of media (both public and private) in BiH; - To draft a nd promote laws and regulations that will introduce EU standards and requirement s in terms of transparency of media ownership, as well as transparency of public financing of media and advertising in media at state level, and - To protect freedom of speech and human rights by releasing political and economic pressure from media and journalists that will eventually represent benefit for BiH citizens.
Implementation of this project resulted in: - Promotion of EU standards of protection o freedom o expression by making more transparent media ownership and public financing; - Relevant stakeholders from domain of public financing of media informed about the project and appropriate ly/ potentially involved; - Current legal framework for public financing of media analysed (1 consolidated analytical report produced); - Draft Regulation on public financing of media prepared (draft document submitted); - Public campaign on transparent allocation on public funds to media launched and implemented; - Draft Regulation on public financing of media submitted to local, cantonal and entity governments, including Brcko District. - Public advocacy and campaign about the adoption of regulation implemented; - Protection of freedom of speech and human rights by releasing political and economic pressure from media and journalists (via sophisticated advertising) that will eventually represent benefit for BiH citizens; - Relevant stakeholders involved with advertising in media informed about the project and appropriately involved; - Existing situation and legal framework on advertising in media analysed; - Draft law on media advertisement on state level prepared with active participation of key stakeholders; - Public campaign promoting the Law on advertising organized; - Draft Law on adv ertising on state level proposed to BiH Parliament for adoption, and related advocacy work completed.

Government level color legend

  • Fully funded project on only one level/location:
  • Partially funded project on multiple levels/locations:
Project is implemented at state level in: