EU funded projects in BiH

ORNIBA - Bird Spicies Protection in Balkan: Joint intervention by BiH and Monten egro


EU Acquis chapters Other issues
Programme Funding Year 2010
Value €150,441
Periods of implementation 2013
Locations ČAPLJINA


Estimated results (project ongoing): R1. Increased knowledge of the resident and migratory bird species in Hutovo Blato and Tivat salina areas and joint birdlife protection measures sustained. R2. Key stakeholders enabled to remedy jointly illegal hunting effects while overall awareness levels on birdlife diversity problems raised. R3. Sustainable tourism concept as alternative economic income source well known and accepted among key stakeholders while intervention areas are being included in tourism maps. R4. Protected areas management capacities and bird monitoring capacities improved within the intervention area.


The corner stone for the ORNIBA project has been Adriatic Flyway initiative that made public the importance of regions for bird migration and revealed aggravating situation regarding bird hunting. ORNIBA stands for ORNIthology while BA stands for the Balkans, expressing not-tied-to-country-borders nature of the bird species migration and a need for joint interventions to respond to specific problems of decline in birds diversity. ORNIBA seeks to contribute to preservation and valorisation of birdlife diversity in the Adriatic Flyway migration route by sustaining joint interventions between Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro. The project bears significant cross-border co-operation for solving environmental issues and integrated collaboration in protected areas management, while increasing collaboration through the strong advocacy and campaign actions.


Estimated results (project ongoing): R1. Increased knowledge of the resident and migratory bird species in Hutovo Blato and Tivat salina areas and joint birdlife protection measures sustained. R2. Key stakeholders enabled to remedy jointly illegal hunting effects while overall awareness levels on birdlife diversity problems raised. R3. Sustainable tourism concept as alternative economic income source well known and accepted among key stakeholders while intervention areas are being included in tourism maps. R4. Protected areas management capacities and bird monitoring capacities improved within the intervention area.