PROGRES - Protection of Nature and Globalisation of Renewable Energy Sources

Project details
Sectors Regional and territorial cooperation
EU Acquis Chapters Other issues
EU funds 200 506 €
Implementation period 2013 - 2025
  •  Digital ;
  •  Civil society;
  •  Gender ;
  •  Climate action

(Mouse hover to see significance)

This project seeks to contribute to an increased use of renewable energy sources (RES) and improved living conditions and environment protection in the cross-border area in the municipalities Nijemci (Croatia), Gracanica and Kalesija (BiH). This effort will be addressed in particular through increasing the knowledge of local community administrations, economic entities and farmer on the potentials for the RES application in residential and public facilities. The project plans to equip the selected existing public facilities owned by local communities for demonstration purposes. So equipped demonstration facilities will contribute to a better understanding of the implementation and use of RES on existing facilities. Demonstration facilities will be continuously available for visits by interested population, to representatives of private and public sector with the aim of raising awareness and the importance of using RES. Studies on potentials of RES, which will be developed for both cross-border rural areas, will present an expert basis for the future development of the economy on the use of RES. In addition, the Studies will include the impact of growth and price fluctuations of non-renewable energy sources (NES) on the financial situation of the population, and cost effectiveness of RES in relation to the NES. The Studies will provide answers about all economic measures available to encourage the use of RES (subsidies, taxes, grants, etc.) at regional and national level of both cross-border areas, which is of considerable economic importance of both cross-border areas.
By fostering a greater use of renewable energy sources (RES) in rural communities in the cross-border regions of Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, the project contributed to the preservation of natural values of the environment, biodiversity and nature conservation and enhancement of life conditions in the targeted area. In order to encourage energy independence of local self-governments in cross-border areas by promoting the principles of energy efficiency, production of energy in RES power plants and cogeneration, within this project four demonstration facilities - public buildings were supplied with RES systems: the Mixed Secondary School in Kalesija (solar collectors and a heat pump of 75 KW power), the sport centre “Luke” Gračanica (solar collectors and photovoltaic panels of 10 kWp power), the Nijemci Municipality building (solar power plant with the installed capacity of 4.12 kW) and the rotatable solar mini power plant of the capacity of 10 kW at the promenade along the Bosut River with the new LED lamps installed for the street lighting. The equipment has led to increase of energy efficiency of the demonstration facilities, reduction of costs for electrical and heating energy. Two Studies on the potentials for the use of RES in both cross-border areas were produced and disseminated to local self-governments, economic entities and farmers in rural cross-border areas that can serve as basis for futher development and investments in this sector. In order to create better life conditions in a healthier and cleaner environment for the entire population of VSC and TC, the project partners placed great importance on increasing knowledge and competences of the target group on RES as well as on raising awareness of the overall population in bordering rural communities, public and private actors, about the needs, benefits and possibilities for exploitation of RES.

Government level color legend

  • Fully funded project on only one level/location:
  • Partially funded project on multiple levels/locations:
Project is implemented at municipality level in: