Support to CSOs for the improvement of social-cohesion in the border region of C roatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina

Project details
Sectors Regional and territorial cooperation
EU Acquis Chapters Other issues
EU funds 48 299 €
Implementation period 2013 - 2025
  •  Gender ;
  •  Climate action ;
  •  Digital ;
  •  Civil society

(Mouse hover to see significance)

This project focuses on a cross-border framework for development of social cohesion and it seeks to enhance the quality of life in the border areas. To achieve this demanding goal, the project will improve the institutional framework for service providers in the social sector and will strive to increase effectiveness of social service activities in the project area through support to vulnerable population. The project will establish three Day Care Centres for children, in Bihac municipality (BiH) and in Srb and Donji Lapac (Croatia) respectively. Through activities of the Centres, social services and support to vulnerable families with children and children without parental care will be improved. Based on detailed needs assessment and consultations with key stakeholders, the project plans to increase capacities of three local civil society organisations (CSO) in the field of social services and social cohesion as well as to enhance capacities of three Centres for social Welfare in providing care to the vulnerable groups and in cooperation with CSOs.
The project has contributed to the Social Welfare development in cross-border region of Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina through a higher number of social services provided, increased capacities of CSOs and consequently enhanced influence of the civil society in decision-making process, which was ultimately reflected in an improved institutional care for marginalized groups. To improve provision of social welfare services for the children population in the municipalities of Srb, Donji Lapac (Croatia) and Bihac (BiH), three small scale social projects were implemented through the establishment of 3 Day Care Centres for children in these locations. The Centres were adapted and equipped, the staff employed and working permit received in accordance with Croatian/BH legal standards. Through activities of these Centres, the provision of social services was improved as 127 beneficiaries in the cross-border area were directly supported. To build capacities of the CSOs and Social Welfare Centres from the three municipalities in provision of social services to children, on-the-job training, workshops and a study trip were organised along with the establishment of a cross-border network

Government level color legend

  • Fully funded project on only one level/location:
  • Partially funded project on multiple levels/locations:
Project is implemented at municipality level in: