Cross-border economics development initiatives with an emphasis on tourism and r ural development

Project details
Sectors Regional and territorial cooperation
EU Acquis Chapters Other issues
EU funds 156 757 €
Implementation period 2012 - 2025
  •  Climate action ;
  •  Digital ;
  •  Civil society;
  •  Gender

(Mouse hover to see significance)

Despite substantial potential for diversification of the tourist offer in the mountains of Bjelašnica, Igman (BiH) and Bjelasica and Komovi (Montenegro), the largest revenue is achieved in the winter months, during the ski season. Taking into account the trends in the development of summer tourism across Europe, the region of South East Europe has potential to develop into a unique tourist destination offering beach and mountain holidays, with the final goal of extending the tourism season. This project will contribute to diversification of the touristic offer and extension of tourist season in the mountain areas Bjelašnica, Igman, Bjelasica and Komovi through creation of out-of-season tourism facilities, improving infrastructure and capacities and creation of regional touristic products.
1. New regional touristic products created and current ones developed. This project has provided the opportunity to improve the offer for outdoor tourism in the region. This has been achieved through a close cooperation with most relevant tourism stakeholders in the region, institutions, associations and private sector, gathered in thematic groups which has selected new tourism products to be developed. The work of the thematic group has been coordinated by tourism expert with relevant working experience and background in Montenegro outdoor offer. The results include: - established 5 tourist programs created with 38 products. - 20 direct matchigs with tour operators ( 8 in Montenegro, 12 in B&H) - 80 kilometres of hiking and 120 kilometres of biking trails reconstructed (40km of hiking trails and 60km of biking trails in Montenegro) - Constructed 2 playgrounds for childre (1 in Montenegro, 1 in Igman, B&H) - Constructed 6 areas for rock climbing (3 in Montenegro, 3 in B&H) - speleogical cadastre eveloped (in Montenegro) 2. Developed and improved out-of-season tourist infrastructure of mountain centres in BiH and Montenegro - 30 mountain bikes procured, 10 sets of gear for rock climbing and 10 kayaks (10 mountain bikes and 10 kayaks for Montenegro - 20 mountain bikes and 10 sets of gear for rock climbing for BiH) - 1 bed and breakfast facilities improved (6 in Montenegro and 5 in BIH) 3. Capacity of local tourism services providers developed: - 6 training cycles for B&B managers organised - B&B households networked (6 households signed MoU for networking and further cooperation in Montenegro) - 5 mountain guides certified (only foriH) 4. New cross border regional tourist products promoted; - website has been created, with online booking system for rural households. - Promotional material developped and distributed: jumbo billboards have been designed, created and placed at strategic locations along the main road. Northern Challenge events has been organized on Igman (BiH) and Mojkovac (Montenegro) , promoting new biking and hiking trails in the region. Visibility conferences were organized at the end of the project in Sarajevo and Kolasin. 3 000 guidebooks for hiking, biking, rock climbing, 2723 tourist maps, 8000 flyers, 1000 posters printed. 5. Capacities of both RDAs strengthened and cross border Network of tourism supporters established

Government level color legend

  • Fully funded project on only one level/location:
  • Partially funded project on multiple levels/locations:
Project is implemented at canton level in: