Green Mountain

Project details
Sectors Regional and territorial cooperation
EU Acquis Chapters Other issues
EU funds 68 000 €
Implementation period 2012 - 2025
  •  Civil society;
  •  Gender ;
  •  Digital ;
  •  Climate action

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The project aims to develop and transfer a sustainable management model to enhance valorisation and preservation of protected mountain areas. Its specific objectives are to: -Identify methods and develop common strategies for an integrated and coordinated management of sensitive mountain areas through a multi-actor/multi-sector approach. -Identify activities and products that can improve territorial development while at the same time guaranteeing and enhancing the valorisation and protection of sensitive areas, e.g. traditional agricultural activities, niche markets/products, leisure activities, eco tourism. -Develop strategies able to further valorise the territory and its assets: e.g. the labelling of mountain products and territorial identity and making use of an online platform to increase the accessibility and visibility of the territory products and services. -Define indicators to assess the efficiency/impact of interventions, also in order to ensure better use of financial instruments and funds. -Introduce sustainable management plans in the territories involved. -Raise the awareness of the economic and political actors/decision-makers in the territory, and the public in general, regarding the natural value and the development potential of natural/protected areas in order to generate economic, political and public interest and action. -Create a Network among partners and other relevant actors and forming links with other mountain Networks in order to support relevant EU legislation, to contribute to recommendations and to further transfer know-how, skills and experience across Europe's mountain regions. -Contribute to a balanced and sustainable socio-economic and environmental development of the areas involved to create better living conditions for the mountain populations. -Favour territorial cohesion among advanced and less advanced territories.
Expected results: R1. People informed about the value of their territory R2. Decision makers/politicians with the capacity to make informed decisions on the adoption of the Model R3. Economic actors/potent ial new entrepreneur s informed about the potential of (re)introduction on of new economic sustainable activities R4. Economic actors/potential new entrepreneur s trained to (re)introduce new sustainable economic activities R5. New economic activities started R6. New workplaces created R7. Regions proactively promoted through the on-line platform R8. Mountain regions with improved protection & valorization of natural assets, economic development and social conditions R10. Sets of technical/the matic information, training and awareness raising tools (info-packs, brochures, posters, recommendations, training material and practical guides) R11. Awareness raising campaigns through Media activities (TV, radio, newspapers)

Government level color legend

  • Fully funded project on only one level/location:
  • Partially funded project on multiple levels/locations:
Project is implemented at canton level in: