'''Support to Entrepreneurial Activities of Younf People'''' CfP Cross-border c o-operation BIH/Serbia

Project details
Sectors Education, employment and social policies
EU Acquis Chapters Other issues
EU funds 128 881 €
Implementation period 2010 - 2025
  •  Civil society;
  •  Climate action ;
  •  Digital ;
  •  Gender

(Mouse hover to see significance)

The project seeks to provide positive and sustainable impact on overall economic activities in the border region between Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia by supporting entrepreneurial activities of young individuals. After they complete formal education, young people usually lack motivation to start their own business. In case of IT activities, technical and applied sciences, some of these individuals reach high technical levels. However, rarely are these research achievements commercialised. The aim of the project is to support creation of new businesses, based on R&D activities and innovation.
The project contributed to fostering of cooperation between project partners in the field of exchange of experiences and good practice in the support of entrepreneurial activities of youth: two new partnership links were established (between BIT Centre and BITF Belgrade and between BIT Centre and BIC Užice); experiences between partners exchanged within 2 joint workshops, White-book of partnership agreed, good practices on support to entrepreneurship and incubators services from the region and EU country transferred through 2 seminars. Implemented project activities contributed to the objective of promoting entrepreneurial activities of young people through approaching young people and screening their potentials for entrepreneurship and establishment of own companies: entrepreneurship directly promoted to 272 approached young individuals; entrepreneurship motivation screened for potential project participants; 4 information workshops with 158 participants, 3 motivation workshop with 74 participants, average 47 trainees involved in training programs and 20 training sessions held, 52 direct assistances provided to 29 young entrepreneurs, 1 follow up Business planning training for 12 concepts of business plans, 1 study visit to BITF 12 successful entrepreneurs to act as mentors, 6 mentoring workshops and 31 young entrepreneurs participated in practice in 25 companies. Implemented project activities contributed to the objective of promoting concrete cross border project initiatives, cooperation between business and research sector. Particular focus of these SME support activities was related to cooperation between businesses based on IT, R&D, technical and innovative activities, and motivation of research institutions for commercialisation of research results in business practice: 81 company and 22 R&D institutions interviewed, 2 B2B where 23 companies attended and 2 B2R&D meetings organized where 18 contacts between companies and R&D institutions established (10 cross – border), 12 contacts R&D to R&D ( 8 cross – border) , 3 joint workshops for young entrepreneurs organized and 4 cross border ideas developed.

Government level color legend

  • Fully funded project on only one level/location:
  • Partially funded project on multiple levels/locations:
Project is implemented at canton level in: