EU support to regional economic development in BIH Call VI MSME development in G orazde, Rogatica, and Foca under Lot 1

Project details
Sectors Competitiveness and innovation, Agriculture and rural development
EU Acquis Chapters Agriculture and rural development, Enterprise and industrial policy
EU funds 395 054 €
Implementation period 2010 - 2025
  •  Climate action ;
  •  Digital ;
  •  Civil society;
  •  Gender

(Mouse hover to see significance)

Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) are the generators of new employment and growth in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is clear that support to MSMEs is crucial for future economic development in BiH. However, MSMEs are still facing a number of barriers for their growth and development. Removing those barriers requires coordinated and partnership based actions of all relevant stakeholders and counterparts. The European Union recognised those needs, and provided series of development projects to contribute to the increase of the growth, job creation and export potential of MSMEs in competitive sectors in Bosnia and Herzegovina, like metal and wood industries, dairy, fruits and vegetables and medial and aromatic plants. In that respect, this European Union project aimed at generation of economic growth and employment through targeted assistance to 196 MSMEs in competitive sectors in BiH, namely, dairy and fruit, berries and vegetable production by PROVIDING business advisory services, grant assets, quality standard certification (GLOBALGAP and organic farming), business matchmaking and better market access and positioning.
With the European Union funding, this project had significant impact on increasing standards and quality control as well as on improving market positioning. We provided business trainings for 196 producers and by that, improved their knowledge to run their businesses. The European Union supported 129 fruits and vegetables producers (approx. 516 family members) through marketing trainings, standardisation, and production planning, with increase in production and sales of their products (vegetables, fruits and berries producers) by at least 40%. We also provided 67 dairy farmers (approximately 268 family members) with basic standardisation training and marketing chain courses, making them skilled for sale improvement with proper marketing and quality standards. We ensured that 196 MSMEs received equipment, material etc. to increase production capacities. At least 2 sustainable business networks are established with business support organizations and 80% of the entrepreneurs benefit from it. At least 90% of the supported entrepreneurs started their certification process for increase of quality products. Overall, the project provided for the economic empowerment of small scale businesses through provision of four main preconditions for a sustainable development: practical and theoretical trainings, equipment and material support, networking and certification. The proposed intervention substantially contributed to improving the quality of life in the target local communities with wider effects by decreasing the dependence on the social system and decreasing unemployment.

Government level color legend

  • Fully funded project on only one level/location:
  • Partially funded project on multiple levels/locations:
Project is implemented at municipality level in: