EU support to regional development in BIH call VI ''''Agricultural Cooperatives development ACCORD under Lot 1

Project details
Sectors Competitiveness and innovation, Agriculture and rural development
EU Acquis Chapters Agriculture and rural development, Enterprise and industrial policy
EU funds 311 450 €
Implementation period 2010 - 2025
  •  Climate action ;
  •  Digital ;
  •  Gender ;
  •  Civil society

(Mouse hover to see significance)

Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) are the generators of new employment and growth in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is clear that support to MSMEs is crucial for future economic development in BiH. However, MSMEs are still facing a number of barriers for their growth and development. Removing those barriers requires coordinated and partnership based actions of all relevant stakeholders and counterparts. The European Union recognised those needs, and provided series of development projects to contribute to the increase of the growth, job creation and export potential of MSMEs in competitive sectors in Bosnia and Herzegovina, like metal and wood industries, dairy, fruits and vegetables and medial and aromatic plants. In that respect, this European union project aimed at enhancing Fruit and vegetable sector in BiH to achieve a trend of continuous employment increase by providing seven (7) target agricultural cooperatives from 16 municipalities in BiH with increased production and sale of fruits and vegetables, more jobs created and better access to the market.
With the European Union funding, this project had significant impact on increasing knowledge and awareness about standards and quality control, as well as on improving market position for one small segment of domestic agricultural producers. A total of 200 new farmers were included in the commercial cooperative chains and the scope of production was attuned to market requirements in order to increase supply of fruits and vegetables for both domestic and regional markets. We provided support in form of technical trainings and start-up equipment packages, which helped cooperatives to achieve the significant production results in the agricultural season 2011. This allowed an increase in average household income for additional 1.850 KM/year and, the farmers generated total income in the amount of 369,918 KM from the production and sale of fruits and vegetables through target cooperatives. Tangible benefits at the farmers' level include: number of new farmers in target cooperatives increased by an additional 200; number of new employees increased by 22; food and vegetable production and buy-off increased by 75%; Sales of products increased by 26%. All 7 cooperatives completed Strategic Management and Marketing Planning training and developed their own strategic development plan and marketing plan; 2 cooperatives successfully completed the process of preparations for introduction of HACCP standard, and successfully completed the certification process and obtained the HACCP certificate, which makes them more competitive on the global market; All 7 cooperatives and 200 of their farmers successfully completed the certification process for the Global GAP standards; All 200 new farmers are formally included into chains of target cooperatives and are able to provide further practical and technical skills related to the F&V production. This activity with 200 farmers was like an incubation phase for them as they have been provided with start-up packages. The biggest success of this project was introduction and successful completion of the process of obtaining the Global Gap and HACCAP certificates by Vocar and Agrokoraj agricultural cooperatives.

Government level color legend

  • Fully funded project on only one level/location:
  • Partially funded project on multiple levels/locations: