EU support to regional economic development in BIH - Call VI (Development of the Eco Zone NP Una and enrichment of its tourist offer under Lot 2 Cluster 1

Project details
Sectors Competitiveness and innovation
EU Acquis Chapters Enterprise and industrial policy
EU funds 270 159 €
Implementation period 2010 - 2025
  •  Civil society;
  •  Digital ;
  •  Gender ;
  •  Climate action

(Mouse hover to see significance)

Because of its unique and diverse natural and cultural beauty, Bosnia and Herzegovina has huge potential for tourism growth, particularly in niche sectors. As economic regeneration progresses, this potential is being realised, but the sector needs massive investment if both domestic and international tourist numbers are to be maximised. In that respect, this European Union project aimed at strengthening a sustainable development of BiH tourism potential in the National Park Una by improving infrastructure, tourism services, transfer of knowledge and information flow between the tourism workers and tourists but also the public in general and by better market positioning. National Park Una is the first national park established in the Federation of BiH. It is mostly located in Bihac municipality territory (85%), and to smaller extent in Drvar municipality. It is well known for its huge potential for rafting, with traditional Una regatta organised in summer every year, as well as sports fishing and photo safari. The Una National Park is very rich in flora and fauna that stir interest of sportsmen, researchers and scientists.
The European Union has supported growth and development of Una National Park as a competitive tourism product in the niche of eco-tourism and increased its potential for contributing to the overall economic growth and promotion of Bosnia and Herzegovina as a unique tourist destination. With the European Union funding, natural and cultural heritage site facilities (biking and hiking trails, picnic areas, construction of wildlife observation towers etc.) in NP Una eco zone are improved and community based tourism is developed with established and equipped bed & breakfast cluster. Also, we ensured safe and clean environment via tourist signalisation, certified mountain tourist guides and trained and equipped Mountain Rescue Services. Information dissemination of created tourist product is enhanced via marketing & promotion tools developed and the tourist info station is constructed and equipped. With all that, we have contributed to stronger and more visible promotion of the country's natural and cultural potentials as well as to more tourists visiting this site and the country.

Government level color legend

  • Fully funded project on only one level/location:
  • Partially funded project on multiple levels/locations:
Project is implemented at municipality level in: