Implementation of this project will result in:
- Adequate and sufficient nutrient-rich, age and culturally sensitive food is provided in all temporary reception centres
- Complementary food and nutrition, baby food and infant formula provided in all temporary reception centres hosting babies and infants.
- Shelter and WASH in frastructure, and furniture are in place in Sarajevo and Una-Sana Canton.
- Camp Coordination and management capacities, including registration of PoC, are scaled up.
- Identified vulnerable refugees/migrants, including accompanied and UASC and victims of SGBV, have access to protection-sensitive accommodation.
- Cultural and age sensitive Non-Food Items are provided to PoC in need.
- PoC in vulnerable situations are identified and referred to appropriate assistance and protection services.
- PoC, including UASCs, have access to asylum, including information, counselling and legal assistance in their own language.
- PoC have access to psychosocial support and other age and gender appropriate services.
- PoC are supported to access primary and secondary health care.
- PoC children are supported to attend primary and secondary education.
- The Border Police and the Service for Foreigners’ have the human and technical capacity detect, identify, register and refer PoC entering the co untry in an irregular manner.
- Local initiatives to promote social cohesion among PoC and host communities are provided with support.