Empowerment and further support to the Parliaments of Bosnia and Herzegovina in EU Integration tasks

Project details
Sectors Democracy and governance
EU Acquis Chapters Institutions
EU funds 2 300 000 €
Implementation period 2019 - 2025
  •  Gender ;
  •  Climate action ;
  •  Digital ;
  •  Civil society

(Mouse hover to see significance)

This twinning project builds on the results and recommendations of this previous Twinning projects. It will aims to further strengthen the capacities of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina (PABiH), the Parliament of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (PFBiH), the National Assembly of Republika Srpska (NARS) and the Brčko District Assembly (BDA), as well as the Cantonal Assemblies (CAs), to exercise their EU-related tasks in the EU accession process and in the implementation of the requirements of the EU-BiH SAA. The project is implemented by the Office of the Hungarian National Assembly as lead partner, and the Administration of the Austrian Parliament and the Croatian Parliament Staff Service as junior partners. Furthermore, experts are also invited from 7 other parliamentary chambers of 5 other EU Member States (Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Portugal, Slovakia) in order to find – on the basis of European best practices – the most suitable, well-functioning structures and procedures for the BiH Parliaments.
Implementation of this project will result in: - EU Units of Beneficiary institutions dispose of self-sufficient capacity to provide support to the strategic guidance of EU accession matters, especially to the oversight and scrutiny functions of the Parliaments in this aspect, prepare parliamentary positions, further conduct information activities and events related to EU accession issues, strengthen international and interparliamentary activities and enhance EU-related coordination activities within their own Parliament with special focus on the implementation of the European Integration Action Plans. - EU Units maintain the proficient operation of their regular administrative-level coordination and cooperation. On the other hand it aims that EU Units reach out to the political fora, i.e. that they turn to be the driving force of the organisation of Conference of Speakers of the BiH Parliaments, prepared by the Secretaries (General) of the BiH Parliaments, Cooperation of sectoral committees, and provide increased assistance to the Parliamentary Forum on EU Integration. - Enhanced capacity of the administration of BiH Parliaments in the EU legal approximation and the connecting legal drafting activities. It aims to improve the structures and procedures of law approximation in the BiH Parliaments as well as to enhance the legal approximation skills of the BiH Parliaments’ administration in the everyday practice through regular exercises. Coaching, on-the-job training and case study-based workshops are organised to widen and deepen the practical law approximation knowledge of staff members and their understanding of different fields of EU law. - Ensuring the Cantonal Assemblies’ engagement in the European integration process by the elaboration and introduction of a Common Action Plan for the Cantonal Assemblies which should include steps and measures to be taken for the improved exercise of parliamentary tasks of all Cantonal Assemblies in relation to the EU integration. A detailed review report was prepared in the 1st Quarter and consultations with Cantonal Assemblies were carried out, recording the latest developments in the matter of subject, paying also attention to the political landscape and dynamics of the Cantonal Assemblies. Based on the results of these consultations, the draft Common Action Plan has been elaborated and discusses with Cantonal Speakers and Secretary Generals. Aiming at a profound understanding and enhanced operation of the Cantonal Assemblies in the field of the European integration process, a training programme satisfying the particular demands of Members and staff members of Cantonal Assemblies is also being implemented in the framework of Component 4. Workshops were organized in all 10 Cantonal seats, with active participation of the Speakers and Members of Cantonal Assemblies, Members of Cantonal Governments and other local stakeholders and the media.

Government level color legend

  • Fully funded project on only one level/location:
  • Partially funded project on multiple levels/locations:
Project is implemented at state level in: