Reguation of rivers in Tuzla Canton

Project details
Sectors Environment
EU Acquis Chapters Environment
EU funds 4 915 263 €
Implementation period 2019 - 2025
  •  Digital ;
  •  Gender ;
  •  Climate action ;
  •  Civil society

(Mouse hover to see significance)

Purpose of this porject is regulation of the following rivers: Sapna River The flooding in the centre of the municipality of Sapna in the year of 1999 was the reason to initiate the project of Regulation of Sapna River. In 2002 the Main design was finished and the works on the regulation of the river followed soon after. Since the construction works were not fully done in the length of which is foreseen by the main design it happened again in the year of 2014 that the non-regulated part of the river was too small to carry the amount of the high water and the flooding of the municipality was unavoidable. Until today the works on regulation of the river have been carried out in different sections. This project was likewise divided into 3 sections, 3 transitional sections and inflows with total length of 824,50m. Drinjača River In order to protect the embankment of the main bus station from the significant material damage due to the high waters of the Drinjača River the reinforced cantilever was built. It starts in the toe of the embankment and has a height of around 6m. On the top of the wall, there is an access road of the main bus station. This project improved the safety of the traffic in general. The reinforced wall next to the embankment protects the access road from the sudden break due to the high waters. It is also equipped with the safety railing on the top of it. The total length of the wall is 165m. The wall is located between the two bridges of the main road M-18. Jala River During the floods in 2014, there have been major flood waves that have caused a significant damage to existing facilities, agricultural land and local infrastructure. This was the reason to proceed with the project of the regulation of the Jala River, which was initiated in the year of 1986. The excavation of the new river bed between the profiles P65 and P122 was executed. The existing width of the riverbed was too small to be able to protect the adjacent agricultural land from flooding. Since the affected area is known for the heavy industry, the pollution of the local rivers is at high risk. Thus, the adjacent agricultural land is to be effectively protected by this project. Not only the riverbed was widened, but the riverbank was also covered by the reinforced concrete slabs in accordance with the Main design. The length of regulation is 2.069,58m. Turija River The intensive usage of the agricultural land by the locals which is mostly the case on the right bank of the Turija River has added weight to the issue of defending the land against high waters of the Turija River. The length regulation of the Turija River in the Municipality of Lukavac was 2.130,4 m. Regular flooding of the land was caused by the fact that the riverbed was too small to hold in the water even after a short rainfall. Due to the existing natural swamp on the left side of the riverbank, which is to remain for environmental reasons, only the right riverbank in this area was regulated. Prior to this project, the alignment of the river was changed into a more straight line with almost no curves. Tinja River During the floods in 2014 there have been major flood waves that have caused a significant damage to existing facilities and local infrastructure particularly in Bare, part of the town of Srebrenik. Due to high waters and curved alignment of the river bed the aforementioned part of the town was flooded and the wall which was built as protection against high waters was carried away by the river. The length of regulation of the Tinja riverbed in Srebrenik was 665,23 m. The excavation of the new riverbed between the profiles K.K.2 and P24 was executed. This is located between the local bridge and the Faćkin Creek. In addition, the new cantilever wall was built between the profiles P21 and P24.
Implementation of this project will result in: - Improved flood protection infrastructure, as follows: a) Component 1: Sapna River, located in the centre of the town of Sapna , Length of regulation l=824,50m b) Component 2: Drinjača River, located in the town of Kladanj, Length of regulation l=165m c) Component 3: Jala River, located between the towns of Lukavac and Tuzla, Length of regulation l=2.069,58m d) Component 4: Turija River, located near the town of Lukavac, Length of regulation l=2.130,4m e) Component 5: Tinja River, located near the centre of the town of Srebrenik, Length of regulation l=665,23m

Government level color legend

  • Fully funded project on only one level/location:
  • Partially funded project on multiple levels/locations:
Project is implemented at municipality level in: