Technical assistance for development of the hydrological flood forecasting syste m for Sava River Basin

Project details
Sectors Environment
EU Acquis Chapters Environment
EU funds 1 100 300 €
Implementation period 2019 - 2025
  •  Civil society;
  •  Gender ;
  •  Digital ;
  •  Climate action

(Mouse hover to see significance)

The specific objective is to support the implementation of measures of the Action Plan for flood protection and river management, through consistent and coordinated development and implementation of cutting edge tools and technologies for flood forecasting and strengthening capacities of Hydro-Meteorological Services (HMSs) and Water Agencies in BiH. The purpose of this contract is as follows: - to integrate information and communication infrastructure, and observation system in BiH to enable automatic, accurate, reliable, timely and consistent hydro-m eteorological data acquisition services, data-collections store and improve access to databases and information on weather and hydrological conditions; - to establish consistent hydrological flood forecasting system (HFFS) on a common IT platform to provide synoptic meteorological and hydrological services, hourly forecasts and informing on potential hazardous flood events to the responsible governmental bodies at the state and entity levels, institution in charge for flood and civil protection, and thus increase social, economic and environmental safety.   For this the project will make use of equipment and different softwares delivered under the related EU funded assistance to provide for their integration into the comprehensive network and ensure compatibility of different systems.
Implementation of this project will result in: - Assessment Report on legal, institutional, organisational, financial and technical environment, issues and gaps, as well as data availability and systems at HMSs. - A logical and physical database model for new and historic meteorological and hydrological data collections is developed. - The tools and services for online and offline data and metadata acquisition, quality and quantity control, database feed, post-processing and reporting are fully functional. - Well calibrated hydrological and hydrodynamic models and real time hydrological flood forecasting system for Bosna River are established and are fully functional. - The staff of 2 Hydro-meteo rological services (HMSs), AVP Sava and PI VS, is competent to use and manage the Hydrological Flood Forecasting System (HFFS) for Bosna River. - An Exit Strategy for continuation and sustainability of the project results with implementation plan and tentative budget for optimisation of the hydro-meteorological observation network for flood forecasting at Entity level, as well recommend ations for further enhancements and improvements (based on the gaps identified in first result) developed. - Two HMSs are integrated and serve as each ot her as a backup system.

Government level color legend

  • Fully funded project on only one level/location:
  • Partially funded project on multiple levels/locations:
Project is implemented at state level in: