Responsible Management of medical waste

Project details
Sectors Environment
EU Acquis Chapters Environment
EU funds 97 044 €
Implementation period 2011 - 2025

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Environment is a high ranking issue on the European agenda and increasingly so with regard to its interventions in BiH. The BiH and the European Unions' strategic documents stress the importance of proper implementation of the environmental acquis. While the official responsibility for compliance lies with the BiH authorities, the NGO community has a very important role to complement the work of the administration by signalling infractions, collecting of information, coordinating the pilot project and educating citizens about their rights and obligations. BiH environmental NGOs have developed considerably over the past decade. Further support to their capacity building and know how improvements has been recognised as valuable for their becoming full and complementary partners of the administration in implementation of the environmental acquis. The European Union has recognised those needs, and provided series of development projects to contribute to encouragement of the partnership between governmental and non-governmental sectors with the aim of effective implementation of EU standards in environment in BiH. In that respect, this European Union project aimed at contributing to responsible Medical Waste (MW) management and inclusion of sustainable, ecological, economic and social principles by enhancing improvement in policy and lefal framework as well as implementation mechanisms. It was based on the concept of a joint work of representatives of governments, health institutions, business sector and NGOs, on the situation analysis in the area of MW management, treatment and disposal in targeted North East BiH, so as to create an action plan for the MW management in NE BiH and a Manual for making MW Management Plan (MWMP) for health care facilities with innovative mechanisms and experience from the EU, including measures for regular monitoring and evaluation in targeted medical institutions.
With the European Union funding, this project had significant impact on more community based responsible environmental management and protection in the area of MW and more responsible public environment treatment. In particular, with our support, the knowledge and know-how of stakeholders and beneficiary/medical institutions' personnel is improved. Also, regional medical waste management plan is developed with the manual for medical waste management plan (MWMP) drafting. Overall, the MWMP development process is initiated by targeted medical institutions that may be replicated with appropriate adjustments in hopefully more of future similar initiatives country wide.

Government level color legend

  • Fully funded project on only one level/location:
  • Partially funded project on multiple levels/locations: