Number of projects listed: 737

Project name EU fund Implementation period Categories Export to Excel
Preparation of the technical specification and market research for supply for In tellectual Property Rights sector in BiH under the IPA II assistance 10 000 € 2020 - 2024
  • Digital
''Pro EU” (“Za EU”) in Republika Srpska and Brcko District 150 000 € 2022 - 2024
  •  Civil society
  •  Gender
  •  Climate action
  •  Digital
PROGRES - Protection of Nature and Globalisation of Renewable Energy Sources 200 506 € 2013 - 2024
  •  Digital
  •  Civil society
  •  Gender
  •  Climate action
Protection of nature and environment from forest fires - ForestEye 252 241 € 2015 - 2024
  •  Civil society
  •  Climate action
  •  Digital
  •  Gender
Protection of Sator lake and Ledenica cave 77 797 € 2010 - 2024
  •  Civil society
  •  Gender
  •  Digital
  •  Climate action
Protection of Sator lake and Ledenica cave 77 797 € 2010 - 2024
Provision and improvement of the quality of adult education in the context of li felong learning 148 232 € 2016 - 2024
  •  Civil society
  •  Climate action
  •  Digital
  •  Gender
Provision of and Automatic Licence Plate Recognition System at the BiH Border Po sts 744 291 € 2019 - 2024
  •  Digital
  •  Civil society
  •  Gender
  •  Climate action
Provision of equipment and technical capacities for the judicial institutions - Lot 2 Specialized police bus to transport detainees 335 600 € 2023 - 2024
  •  Civil society
  •  Gender
  •  Climate action
  •  Digital
Provision of equipment and technical capacities for the judicial institutions, Lot 1 - Specialized police vehicles to transport persons deprived of liberty 1 386 303 € 2023 - 2024
  •  Civil society
  •  Gender
  •  Climate action
  •  Digital
Provision of equipment and technical capacities for the judicial institutions, Lot 4 - Technical protection systems for judicial buildings 1 237 346 € 2023 - 2024
  •  Civil society
  •  Gender
  •  Climate action
  •  Digital
Provision of expert opinion on the complaints received on supply tender: ¿Upgrad e of the existing Migration Information System-supply¿ Bosnia and Herzegovina (B iH), NEAR/SJJ/2021/EA-OP/0060; EC/BiH/TEN/21/004 2 450 € 2021 - 2024
  • Digital
Provision of Main design for regular maintenance (¿tekuce odrzavanje¿) for the f uture Europe House in the administrative building of Sarajevo City Administratio n, BiH 23 800 € 2021 - 2024
  •  Civil society
  •  Gender
  •  Climate action
  •  Digital
Provision of preliminary and main design for the rehabilitation of the section o f the ground floor of the administrative building in Srebrenica Potocari Memoria l Centre 19 800 € 2020 - 2024
  •  Civil society
  •  Gender
  •  Climate action
  •  Digital
Provision of preliminary design for the rehabilitation of the administrative bui lding of Sarajevo City Administration for the ¿EU House¿ 19 650 € 2020 - 2024
  •  Civil society
  •  Gender
  •  Climate action
  •  Digital