People with disability in the centre of social cohesion ''''Sunny Workshops"

Project details
Sectors Regional and territorial cooperation
EU Acquis Chapters Other issues
EU funds 49 730 €
Implementation period 2011 - 2024
  •  Civil society;
  •  Climate action ;
  •  Digital ;
  •  Gender

(Mouse hover to see significance)

The project aimed at strengthening social cohesion in the municipalities of Trebinje and Nikšić, strengthening community capacities and development of partnership among public and civil society organizations and exchange of resources in neighbouring local communities, reduction in the level of poverty in disabled people’s families and in the community and linking social policy fields in the area of employment and social care. Focus throughout the project implemnetation was given to increased level of social inclusion and improvement of basic rights of people with disability (PWDs) through strengthening the capacities of all actors. The project activities included analysis of situation, needs and capabilities of PWDs, educational and work activities for PWDs, development of partnership between the professional public and beneficiaries, promotion and dissemination activities, etc.
Assessment of situation and capabilities of each beneficiary, recommendations for possible work engagement and completed report for each beneficiary, full knowledge of the situation, capabilities and needs of target groups of beneficiaries; Increased capacities of the local community for children and youth with developmental disorders; improved conditions for work and life of PWDs through purchase of appropriate equipment, tools, semi-finished products, appropriate schedule and conditions created for work in the ceramic, wood and tailoring workshops, and production of flowers in the greenhouse; Increased level of interest of PWDs and their family members for their rights; Knowledge exchanged among workshop participants on the level of knowledge of their right on work; Skills for group life were developed as well as skills for self-service, independent living and training for specific activities in work workshops; Increased professional capacities of experts and other actors from public and civil sector for work with PWDs; Nine PWDs fully use their right on employment; income has been provided for 22 families in Trebinje; social inclusion enabled for 19 PWDs and 3 families (leaders employed come from families with PWDs); conditions provided for full social inclusion for 39 PWDs and their families and for 6 leaders through work activities; regular salaries provided for 15 families; psycho-social support provided for 39 PWDs and leaders; living conditions improved; the basic product in work workshops was created and a continuous production process established with full inclusion of each PWDs.

Government level color legend

  • Fully funded project on only one level/location:
  • Partially funded project on multiple levels/locations:
Project is implemented at municipality level in: