EU support to BiH’s justice reforms - phase XI

Project details
Sectors Rule of Law and fundamental rights
EU Acquis Chapters Justice, freedom and security
EU funds 1 900 000 €
Implementation period 2024 - 2024
  •  Civil society;
  •  Gender ;
  •  Climate action ;
  •  Digital

(Mouse hover to see significance)

The project aims at improving integrity, accountability, credibility, transparency, efficiency and quality of the BiH justice system and aligning it with the EU acquis and the applicable European standards.
 Through the changes initiated within the HJPC BiH, the Integrity Department of the HJPC Secretariat will be strengthened so as to enable the preparations for regular integrity checks of judicial office holders, thus improving public scrutiny and citizens’ trust in judicial institutions;  Improved public access to judicial decisions, continued harmonisation of case law and continued support to the case low departments of the highest courts that will contribute to increasing the transparency of judicial institutions and legal certainty;  Strengthened the regulatory role of the HJPC in the fight against organised crime and corruption, and inter-institutional cooperation in this area;  Improved work of courts through the strategic planning process;  Established open and continuous communication with other projects aimed at improving the courts and prosecutor's offices management that will contribute to the creation of a joint platform for action, and lead to a synchronised action and ultimately better results;  Contribution to the fight against corruption, organised and economic crime in BiH through the engagement of financial experts working with economic crime and corruption cases, financial investigations, and as trainers at specialist trainings for prosecutors and law enforcement agencies;  Increased awareness of the judicial community and the public regarding the benefits of ADR;  Improved and consolidated Judicial Information System as a prerequisite for its self-sustainability;  Developed and adopted the BiH Judicial Information System Mid-Term Development Strategy that will ensure the functioning of the ICT Department in line with the best European practices;  Initiated the certification procedure of the Judicial Information System according to ISO 20.001 and 27.000 standards that will significantly contribute to the protection of judicial data, accountability and transparency of the HJPC, and thus the independence of the entire judicial system.

Government level color legend

  • Fully funded project on only one level/location:
  • Partially funded project on multiple levels/locations:
Project is implemented at :