FWC Feasibility study 112 for Bosnia and Herzegovina

Project details
Sectors Democracy and governance, Rule of Law and fundamental rights
EU Acquis Chapters Justice, freedom and security, Environment
EU funds 198 300 €
Implementation period 2023 - 2024
  •  Civil society;
  •  Gender ;
  •  Climate action ;
  •  Digital

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Expected result is document "Feasibility study 112 for Bosnia and Herzegovina" that contains: - Assessment of the current situation and needs regarding the establishment of the 112 in each administrative unit in Bosnia and Herzegovina - Proposal of a technical, politically, and economical feasible model of 112 implementation for the Federation of BiH, Republika Srpska and Brčko District, which will be based on best current practices and standards and provide a cost-benefit projection - Present a functional solution for organization, implementation, and operation of the unified emergency number 112 on administrative units and intervention forces level - Define the necessary public telecommunications environment, internal network and infrastructure solution, to support the 24/7 safe and secure operation of all required functions - Identify all pre-conditions of the successful implementation of the 112 solution, defining "to dos" in legal, regulatory, organizational, procedural, technical, human, infrastructure, procurement etc. fields, and organize all these “to dos” in realistic roadmap - Financial feasibility assessment of the proposed establishment of the 112 service, which is not only a technical solution proposal but shall be also economically possible from a total cost of ownership point of view
Global objective: Contribute to successful establishment of the European emergency number 112 throughout SO: 1. state-of-play and needs assessment for Federation of BiH, Republika Srpska and Brčko District BiH regarding establishment of number 112, propose best solutions and provide cost-benefit projection and roadmap of proposed activities, and propose best practice cases from the region/EU countries. 2. recommend a comprehensive and holistic solution for the establishment of number 112 in each administrative unit of Bosnia and Herzegovina 3. recommend network infrastructure solutions including the redundant topology and applications needed in each network hub for a successful response to emergencies 4. recommend structural solutions for the establishment of the number 112 having in mind specific political and administrative circumstances in the country 5. examine financial resources required for the number to be fully established and operational

Government level color legend

  • Fully funded project on only one level/location:
  • Partially funded project on multiple levels/locations:
Project is implemented at state level in: