Strenghtening Institutional Capacity for Recognition of Qualifications in Higher Education

Project details
Sectors Education, employment and social policies
EU Acquis Chapters Education and culture
EU funds 581 188 €
Implementation period 2018 - 2024
  •  Gender ;
  •  Climate action ;
  •  Civil society;
  •  Digital

(Mouse hover to see significance)

Overall objecitve of this project is to improve student, academic staff and labour mobility in Bosnia and Herzegovina, through recognition of foreign higher education qualifications in line with the provisions of the Lisbon Recognition Convention (LRC) and its subsidiary documents.
Implementation of this project will result in: Component 1 – Strategic planning - Contribution to improvement of system of recognition in universities and employment sector - Report with assessment and recommendations for implementation of LRC developed in an inclusive and evidence based way and published on CIP - Road map for syst ematic implementation of LRC in BiH developed in an inclusive and evidence based way. - Consultations on establishment of External Data Base on recognition procedures with relevant stakeholders conducted; - Consensus of relevant rec ognition bodies to contribute to External Data Base reached and protocols of col laboration signed; - External Data Base on recognition procedures designed; - External Data Base piloted and upgraded after piloting; Component 2 – Procedures for recognition of qualifications - Contribute to capacity building on recognition of qualifications and periods of study in sectors for education a nd employment - Procedures for recognition of qualifications according to LRC developed - Ministries, HEIs, PESs and employers from both entities and Brcko District involved in project activities harmonized legal procedures with LRC requirements - Model of rule book for professional recognition developed - Strategic plans of the CIP analysed and revised Component 3 - Capacity Building - Capacities on recognition of qualifications and periods study in sectors for education and employment strengthened - TNA conducted and staf f in the relevant ministries, employees of employment offices and institutions from both entities and Brcko district trained on recogniton issues and harmonisat ion of labour market legislation with Bologna qualifications. - Employers from public and private sectors from both entities and Brcko district trained to harmonize internal documents with Bologna qualifications - Evaluators of acade mic and professional recognition at HEIs and PESs trained - Court interpreters from both entities and Brcko district trained on to translate the LRC terminology - Self-evaluation and external evaluation of the CIP conducted and internal quality system of the CIP upgraded following recommendations - Two study tours to twinning partner country should be organized.

Government level color legend

  • Fully funded project on only one level/location:
  • Partially funded project on multiple levels/locations:
Project is implemented at state level in: